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Case Studies

Everything we do is focused on the ‘sweet-spot’ where strategy, leadership and people align to best effect.


  • Development & Implementation

  • Multi-constituent Agendas

  • Business Transformation

  • M&A and Integrations

  • Incident Management 


  • Leadership Alignment

  • Engaging Teams

  • Leadership Development

  • Executive Coaching


  • Organizational Design & Restructures

  • Engaging Teams

  • Virtual Teams

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Launching Avios: Square Peg's support for the transition of Airmiles to Avios

Working with the MD and executive team, Square Peg supported the development, planning, and change implementation to make Avios successful. Working under tight timelines that spanned three years our brief was to ensure that Avios leaders, employees, and contractors were 'ready willing and able to successfully switch to the new operating environment'.

This work was an award winner at the global Constantinus International Consulting Awards

10 Year Strategic Planning

The Challenge - was to design and support a strategic planning process for the North West Africa Business Unit (NWABU) of a global client. They required a rigorous and co-ordinated evaluation of both the big bet initiatives and the shorter-term plans that would achieve 10-year objectives...

Strategy, marketing and governance clarification

The challenge: This advisory merchant bank serving the global investment management industry found that due to distance and the lack of a clear process, its senior leadership team was unaligned in its approach to the market.  The project was led by the Managing Partner located on the East Coast of the US and supported by offices in New York and London.

Implementation of a new high performance sales culture

The challenge: Historically this commercial finance company had achieved success by leading the industry with innovative approaches to product development and marketing.

Alignment of a continent-wide franchise Pan African System Council

The challenge: This significant continental SBU (Strategic Business Unit) of a global firm utilising a franchise model for its product distribution realised that it could drive more value for all stakeholders within its system if it could better align its work with the work of its franchisees.
Square Peg has supported the planning, pre-work, facilitation and follow-up of six monthly Council meetings over the last two and a half years. Our process and contribution has been credited by many of the key players with ensuring the success of the undertaking and continuing to build all-important trust and collaboration across the franchise system.

Building to Last in Luxor

The Challenge – was to design and facilitate a first-of-its-kind meeting for 180 leaders representing the 28 countries of The North West Africa Business Unit (NWABU) of a global client. The meeting had to meet 5 clear objectives...

Creating a win-win System environment to accelerate growth

As facilitators of the Pan African System Council (Africa's Top-to-Top) we had not only a robust understanding of System dynamics, but, importantly, an established reputation with senior Bottler leadership as trusted and insightful independents.

Reorganising across Europe

The Challenge: One of our global clients had decided to reorganise the way it does business in Europe so as to enable Speed, Scale, and Simplicity across its 38 markets. The challenge was to complete a fundamental structural shift – consolidating 10 Business Units to 4 and re-wiring many of the organisation’s functional teams across the entire Europe Group. This transformation was to be achieved with minimum disruption to the business in an aggressive six month time-scale.

Communications Management

Square Peg Support: In managing the central communications stream of Project Pioneer we took an agile, phased and flexible approach.

Organisational design of a 56 country business unit

The challenge: One of the best known brand marketing companies in the world saw opportunities to optimise its investment in people and meet aggressive growth objectives by adjusting its organisational structure to better align it to its new strategy.


Business transformation project management

The challenge: The Finance, Strategy & Technical functions of a global fast moving consumer goods firm were challenged to move seamlessly to a new organisation structure and operating model to significantly increase the business unit’s contribution to profitable growth.

Enabling Independence – Square Peg's award winning support for Birds Eye Iglo Group

The challenge: With the separation of Birds Eye Iglo Group (BEIG) from Unilever, the business had to re-platform all its activity.

Post acquisition integration and alignment

The challenge: As a result of a significant acquisition our client’s organisation immediately became one of the world’s largest suppliers of vaccine product.

Project Risk Management – the shock absorption process

We used Square Peg's 5 step Shock Absorption Process which applies the lessons of traditional disaster-recovery, business continuity disciplines to managing the risk sassociated with predictable internal projects.

Incident & Problem Management

Our team supported the Project Management Office in developing a robust central Incident & Problem Management (I&PM) process using three principles.

Energising the Organisation

The Challenge: Our global client had just completed 8 months of restructuring and there was a keen need to re-energise the organization in its entirety. The first step was a meeting of leaders from all 38 countries in the Europe Group. This was to be the ‘Invent the Future’ Europe Leadership Forum – for 200+ leaders in Barcelona in November 2010. For it to succeed, this meeting needed to strike the right balance between acknowledging the past and focusing on the future, between tough business content and team-building fun.

Our objective was to support our client in designing, planning and executing this complex, politically-charged and large-scale event within an 8 week timeframe.

PACE Values Launch

A Europe-wide FMCG Company had recently set a new and ambitious long-term growth strategy. To ensure that the ambition was met would require a new way of working and a renewed sense of ownership amongst employees. This was encapsulated in a refreshed set of corporate values. To kick-start the adoption of these values the company wished to hold a two-day conference for management from 9 countries. The meeting would cover short and long term financial objectives and introduce the new values. The challenge was swiftly to build sufficient understanding and buy-in to the key messages that participants could then cascade them effectively to their own teams in their home markets.

Aligning Coca-Cola's Vancouver 2010 Olympic Project Team

Through our series of 1-to-1 pre-work interviews, the team identified ahead of time barriers to success, issues and opportunities and gave confidential feedback for other members of the team. To prime discussion and focus thinking, we also provided best practice pre-reading on some of the challenges they might face together.

Team mobilisation

Our objective was to energise all employees engaged in Project Pioneer and mobilise them to effectively support each other as the project began to build, test and implement the designed solution.

Addressing project fatigue

As the project timescales continued to be very tight, we needed an approach that would be highly time-efficient.

Accelerating leadership development

The challenge: One of the UK’s leading banks had newly formed a “Wealth Academy” within its Private Clients division. Within its pilot year the academy’s task was to deliver an ambitious suite of learning and development programmes to a number of audiences diverse in terms of geography, culture and levels of investment literacy.

Development of strategic leaders who can make a difference

The challenge: Rather than give you a brief outline of one specific client who has leadership development challenges, we thought that presenting a few clients with similar executive needs would demonstrate our work in this area.

SAP training case study

In managing the total Training provision for Project Pioneer, we appointed an expert stream leader with many years' experience in the design and implementation of SAP training programmes.

Public sector executive coaching

The challenge: A large UK wide public sector commission was facing significant change in its strategy and mandate as a result of a move to devolve power to the Welsh, Scottish, and English parliaments resulting in constantly changing political expectations.

Global executive coaching

The challenge: One of the top market cap firms in the world were trying to rationalise the way they used executive coaching to ensure a business-focussed results-driven approach globally.

Chief Information Officer Advisory

 From the start of our engagement with Birds Eye we provided day-to-day over the shoulder consulting support and advisory services to the organization's new Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Coaching a new leader   

The coaching process we followed with this individual was informed by Square Peg's key beliefs about executive coaching.

Birds Eye Cross Cultural Team Engagement

We addressed head-on the challenges and opportunities presented by a 100-strong team of some 13 different nationalities (including large groups of British and Indian team members). Using a 'packing the cultural laptop bag' exercise we catalysed open and constructive discussions of the different cultural 'default settings' at work within Pioneer. Raising awareness and acceptance of differences laid the groundwork for handling issues when they arose during the life of the project.

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